
Contact me

Please contact me at if you would like me to write about your business, nonprofit, book, movie, or any other positive Michigan news stories.


  1. Hello Jeff,
    Love your Blog! Boy you must be homesick! LOL. But the cherry blossoms on the trees in DC are sure beautiful in the spring. I was curious if you would like to check out a Historical Fiction novel based in Detroit in the 20'.s I recently published it and have thousands of hours of research into it. The novel reflects how exciting the city and era were. It's titled "The Sugar House". I hope you will consider reading it and doing a possible review. Please contact me at if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jean Scheffler

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Your book sounds interesting. I will shoot you an email.

  2. I just discovered this site. I agree we Michiganders should write more positive things about Michigan especially my hometown of Detroit. We just had our 37th Annual Picnic for Los Angeles Detroiters and MIchiganders in Los Angeles. In fact we also have a Detroit style rolling skating group in the Los Angeles area. We go roller skating at different rinks throughout California. Others go to Arizona, Michigan and other states to roller skates. I am a proud Michigander that went to Detroit public schools and graduated from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. Go, Michiganders, we roll with pride.GLO

    1. Happy you enjoy the blog. If you ever want to post anything about your group on the blog, contact me. I'd be interested in writing about it or having someone from your group do a guest blog post. Sounds like a great group!

  3. Jeff, I appreciate your "Good Morning" tweets. I was born in Detroit and enjoyed summers on the Great Lakes. Recently I was notified that the video I made for a song I co-wrote about the enduring virtues of Detroit will be screened at a film festival in Los Angeles next month. This is the vid:

    1. Thanks for your comment. I enjoyed your video as will. Please let me know how the festival goes.
